Can You Hear Me Now? Really Listening to a Client

2024-01-22T10:57:16+00:00Articles, Newsletter|

Read any "how to" manual on mergers and acquisitions and you'll find checklist after checklist about how to prepare to buy a business, how to sell a business, how to value a business, how to do due diligence, how to get the best price, how to reduce the price, how to find fraud, how to put lipstick on a pig. Many intermediaries not only know the checklists cold but can recite them from memory, and probably have written three books full of checklists. But the most important checklist that every successful intermediary should know is the shortest.

Why It’s a Near Perfect Environment for Mid-Sized Companies to Sell

2024-01-22T10:57:10+00:00Articles, Capital Financing News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Newsletter|

GOOD NEWS for owners of mid-sized companies who thought their window of opportunity to sell had closed for good--the combination of available, competitive debt and equity financing, an interested and large number of buyers and a seemingly resurgent economy is resulting in crowded auctions and higher prices.

The Biggest Sale of His Life: How One Small Business Owner Persevered and Sold His Company

2024-01-22T10:56:56+00:00Articles, Government and Defense, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Newsletter|

A privately held services company shouldn’t overlook the possibility of selling or merging with a larger player to obtain liquidity and maximize shareholder value. Even in difficult economic times, it’s still possible to find precisely the right buyer for your company, according to George M. Shea, a FOCUS Partner, who shares an instructive sales experience in a new article, “The Biggest Sale of His Life: How One Small Business Owner Persevered and Sold His Company.”

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