Mezzanine Debt—A Source Of Secondary Capital In An Improving Economy
Often an improving economy and renewed growth put more stress ...
Often an improving economy and renewed growth put more stress ...
“When you come to a fork in the road, take ...
(The characters in this story are fictional, but unfortunately, the ...
London Stock Exchange’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) has been around ...
Most corporate executives fully understand the “strategic planning” process that ...
Virtually unknown in the US until a couple of years ...
By G. Stanley Cutter, Partner, FOCUS Enterprises, Inc. Many business ...
Many investment bankers believe that buy side M&A transactions are ...
As with every human endeavor, timing is a critical element ...
Read any "how to" manual on mergers and acquisitions and you'll find checklist after checklist about how to prepare to buy a business, how to sell a business, how to value a business, how to do due diligence, how to get the best price, how to reduce the price, how to find fraud, how to put lipstick on a pig. Many intermediaries not only know the checklists cold but can recite them from memory, and probably have written three books full of checklists. But the most important checklist that every successful intermediary should know is the shortest.