Interview with Axial CEO Peter Lehrman

November 10, 2014|Advanced Manufacturing, Articles, Blogs, Videos|

We recently interviewed Peter Lehrman, CEO of Axial, one of the most energetic and innovative companies providing advanced technology solutions to M&A and corporate finance professionals operating in the middle market. Speaking from the “Roosevelt Room” in Axial’s headquarters in the Flatiron District, Peter covers a good deal of ground and I highly recommend you listen.

Knowing When To Fold ‘Em

September 15, 2014|Articles, Newsletter|

If you’re a Baby Boomer, you remember well hearing Kenny Rogers’ iconic hit, The Gambler. If you’re like me, you’ve often wondered how Kenny’s advice might be applied to important business and investment decisions. If you’re a business owner who has survived our generation’s version of the Great Depression, you need good counsel now more than ever.

MSO Consolidation Goes Full Speed – Bigger deals, rising prices, and uncertainty for the future all spurring sales in 2014

August 2, 2014|Articles, Automotive Aftermarket, Newsletter|

Spurred by dramatic growth of large consolidators, as well as many regional and local MSOs, consolidation continues to evolve and impact the collision repair industry. Let's take a look at the numbers on acquisitions, valuations and markets.

Pedal to the Metal: Consolidation in 2014

July 30, 2014|Articles, Automotive Aftermarket|

Sixteen years ago, after David Roberts and his partner, Matthew Ohrnstein, founded Caliber Collision, he wrote a series of industry articles that were presciently accurate. His subject then? “Shop Consolidation: Is It Inevitable?” His answer was an emphatic “Yes.” Over a period of 8 years as Caliber’s Chairman, Roberts helped lead the initial capital raises and the acquisition of its first 37 shops. Now a leading investment banker in the Automotive Services industry with FOCUS Investment Banking, Roberts has a unique 20-year perspective on the industry. With the dramatic growth of the large consolidators as well as many regional and local MSOs, we asked Roberts to update our audience on consolidation developments, their impact on the industry and how consolidation continues to evolve.

How to Manage Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in a GRC World

June 15, 2014|Articles, Newsletter, Technology Services|

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has been a catalyst for a new IT revolution. CNET TechRepublic’s BYOD Business Strategy Survey reveals that 62 percent of companies either allow Bring Your Own Device, or plan to by the end of 2013. However, the prospect of employees using their personal mobile devices to access corporate resources might seem contrary to existing Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) regulations.

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