FOCUS Investment Banking Announces FOCUS Sale Preparation Advisory Service

2024-02-12T23:33:00+00:00November 29, 2022|FOCUS Sale Preparation, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures|

FOCUS Investment Banking, a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, announced a new service offering – FOCUS Sale Preparation (FSP) Advisory Service. This service will help business owners get ready for a transaction. Jeb Connor has joined FOCUS as a Managing Director to lead this team.

FOCUS Investment Banking Named a Top 50 Consumer Industry Investment Bank

2024-02-12T23:33:02+00:00September 29, 2022|Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures|

Washington, DC, (September 30, 2022) – FOCUS Investment Banking (“FOCUS”), a leading national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, is pleased to be recognized as a Top 50 Consumer Investment Bank by Axial. FOCUS’s Consumer team works diligently with clients in the consumer products industry to achieve maximum valuation and create a seamless exit plan.

The Endless Summer of M&A?

2024-01-22T10:59:31+00:00July 15, 2019|Articles|

Over fifty years ago in the late 1960’s filmmaker Bruce Brown gave us his cult classic surfer documentary The Endless Summer. The film chronicles the journey of two young professional surfers who circumnavigate the globe chasing summer through both the northern and southern hemispheres in search of the elusive “perfect wave.”

As we enter the summer of 2019, the comparison to the M&A market today seems appropriate. Are we in the “endless summer” of super charged M&A activity and valuations? We have been experiencing an almost unseen level of M&A activity over the past four years and one can’t help but ask….when (not if) will it end?

Expanding the Climate for Middle Market M&A Success in 2019

2024-01-22T10:59:29+00:00May 31, 2019|Articles, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures|

As many FOCUS colleagues know, the firm celebrated its third consecutive record-breaking year in 2018, closing 28 deals across 10 industry segments. As we approach the first half of 2019, we continue to demonstrate our proven expertise, both across the wide range of sectors we cover, and in the depth of strategic services we deliver on behalf of our clients. Plus, first quarter 2019 results prove dealmakers see plenty of solid reasons for optimism for the remaining three quarters.

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