Mobile Tire Service Can Be a Powerful Value-Add for Dealers

2024-01-22T11:02:31+00:00June 15, 2022|Automotive Aftermarket, Blogs, Tire and Service|

Michael McGregor breaks down the benefits he sees in mobile tire installation. He says the pioneers in the space seem to have a lot of mutual respect for each other and are sharing ideas as they build this industry segment. But they're also doing it their own way.

FOCUS Investment Banking Combines Three Tire Businesses into One and Sells it to Big Brand Tire

2024-02-12T22:15:44+00:00April 13, 2022|Automotive Aftermarket, Deals, Tire and Service|

Washington, DC, (April 18, 2022) – FOCUS Investment Banking (“FOCUS”), a na- tional middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, announced today that three auto service and repair businesses have been acquired by Big Brand Tire, a one-stop tire and auto repair pro- vider based in Phoenix. FOCUS represented C&R Tire, S&S Tire & Auto, and Commu- nity Tire Pros & Auto Repair in this transaction.

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