White Paper: Private Equity Investment in Gastroenterology – 2020 Outlook

2024-01-22T11:00:20+00:00Downloads, Healthcare, White Papers|

Is gastroenterology the next darling of private equity? Large GI practice acquisitions exploded in 2019, tripling that of the prior three years. Expansion to new geographic areas doubled in each of the last three quarters of 2019. We see this activity accelerating in 2020 when a significant number of new private equity investors enter the market and physician sellers see high demand for their practices.

White Paper: Private Equity Investment in Ophthalmology – 2020 Outlook

2024-01-22T11:00:20+00:00Downloads, Healthcare, White Papers|

Private equity investment in ophthalmology practices has been one of the "hottest" sectors in M&A over the last several years. We believe the market will continue to be strong but our key indicators now signal a transition to Network Growth in 2020 – a more mature phase characterized by consistent add-on acquisitions. There are still open geographies with great opportunity, such as Texas and multiple areas on the West Coast. We project increased deal activity in these areas including large platform acquisitions.

The End Goal for Private Equity and Physician Sellers

2024-01-22T11:00:42+00:00Blogs, Healthcare|

Improved Patient Care, Revenue Growth, Profit Improvement

In order to gain a return on their investment, PE firms look to improve operations and grow their portfolio companies through organic and inorganic initiatives, ideally driving a much higher valuation and EBITDA multiple when the portfolio company is sold (usually in 5-7 years).
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