Data “Signals” Provide Best MSP M&A Targets for Private Equity

2024-02-19T18:15:33+00:00April 13, 2022|Blogs, Managed Service Providers, Technology Services|

To help private equity firms, FOCUS Investment Banking’s Managed Service Provider (MSP) Team has created the first and only predictive “signal-driven” custom scoring of the top 1,138 MSP targets that appear on the most prominent industry lists.

Returning to Full Throttle or Exiting the Race?

2024-01-22T11:01:58+00:00March 7, 2022|Automotive Aftermarket, Blogs, Collision|

The pandemic has caused many business owners to reconsider their long-term goals of owning and operating their businesses. Shutdowns and personnel shortages have clearly been a drain on many, while severely impacting financial performance and their ability to effectively service customers. If you are considering selling your business, there are items you must consider.

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