The Work World Is Changing And Society Needs To Change As Well

2024-01-22T10:58:28+00:00Advanced Manufacturing, Articles|

We live in a time of great paradox. Technologies such as low cost renewable energy and automated production tools promise a world of abundance in which global poverty is abolished and human drudgery is eliminated. Yet even a casual glance at the daily news confronts us with a sense of dread that, far from Utopia, we are instead headed toward a dystopian future in which the benefits of technological advance will be reserved for a privileged few.

FOCUS Investment Banking Represents Strength Capital Partners, LLC in its Acquisition of Universal Aerospace Co., Inc.

2024-02-12T23:33:39+00:00Advanced Manufacturing, Deals, Government and Defense, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Supply Chain|

Washington, DC (January 23, 2017) – FOCUS Investment Banking (“FOCUS”), a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture and corporate finance services announced today that Strength Capital Partners, LLC (“Strength”) has acquired Universal Aerospace Co., Inc. (“Universal”).  FOCUS initiated the transaction and represented Strength in the negotiations.

Are You Looking to Exit? The M&A Market is Ready for You.

2024-01-22T10:58:30+00:00Advanced Manufacturing, Articles|

The M&A market for 2015 is looking bright – kicking off with a stellar start. According to Thomson Reuters, Q1 2015 saw over $854 billion in activity – the strongest quarter since 2007. Mid-market (deal valuation up to $500 million) deal volume was at $188.4 billion, with a year over year increase of 6.2 percent. From all indications, M&A will continue to be a leading growth strategy for companies, with rich exit multiples.

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