About Rick Thomas

Rick Thomas, FOCUS' CEO, has 25 years of consulting, management and M&A advisory experience in the aerospace, financial services, manufacturing, software, packaging, marine and food services industries. He has led projects with such notable organizations as MCI WorldCom, Arthur Andersen, EDS, and The United States Agency for International Development.

The Endless Summer of M&A?

2024-01-22T10:59:31+00:00July 15, 2019|Articles|

Over fifty years ago in the late 1960’s filmmaker Bruce Brown gave us his cult classic surfer documentary The Endless Summer. The film chronicles the journey of two young professional surfers who circumnavigate the globe chasing summer through both the northern and southern hemispheres in search of the elusive “perfect wave.”

As we enter the summer of 2019, the comparison to the M&A market today seems appropriate. Are we in the “endless summer” of super charged M&A activity and valuations? We have been experiencing an almost unseen level of M&A activity over the past four years and one can’t help but ask….when (not if) will it end?

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