FOCUS Investment Banking Helps JSI Receive Investment

November 27, 2018|Deals, Document Management, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Telecom Technologies & Services|

Washington, DC, (November 26, 2018) – FOCUS Investment Banking, a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, announced today that John Staurulakis, Inc. (JSI) has received an investment from Stone-Goff Partners.  FOCUS represented JSI in this transaction.

FOCUS Investment Banking Represents Southern Diversified in Sale

October 26, 2018|Deals, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Telecom Technologies & Services|

Washington, DC, October 26, 2018 – FOCUS Investment Banking, a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, announced today that Southern Diversified Technologies, Inc. (SDT) has been acquired by UniTek Global Services, Inc.  FOCUS represented SDT in this transaction.

FOCUS Investment Banking Represents American Telephone in Sale

September 21, 2018|Deals, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Telecom Technologies & Services|

Washington, DC, (September 21, 2018) – FOCUS Investment Banking, a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture, and corporate finance services, announced today that American Telephone Company, LLC has been acquired by Windstream Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: WIN).  FOCUS represented American Telephone in this transaction.

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