Download the FOCUS Healthcare and Life Sciences Report: Spring 2019

April 18, 2019|Downloads, Healthcare, Industry Reports|

Featured in this Issue

Elderly Home Care Goes Digital

Supplied by Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS), European Commission, May 31, 2018*
For the elderly with cognitive impairment, living alone can prove detrimental to their health. Assistance services can provide appropriate discreet support for independent living and a high life quality.

Download the FOCUS Telecom Business Services Quarterly: Spring 2019 Report

April 16, 2019|Downloads, Industry Reports, Telecom Technologies & Services|

In public markets, the FOCUS Telecom Business Services Index (TBSI) roared back after a disappointing winter reporting period to post a strong gain in the spring. The sector was up 14.7% in the last three months, which outperformed the 13.1% gain in the S&P 500 but trailed the 16.5% gain in the NASDAQ over the corresponding time period. For the 12 month period, the sector is up 17.2%. This gain handily outperformed gains in the S&P 500 and NASDAQ of 7.3% and 9.4%, respectively. Sector multiples ended the period at levels that were roughly consistent with this same time last year. The sector revenue multiple remained unchanged at 0.4x, while the sector EBITDA multiple ticked up slightly from 8.7x to 9.2x.

Download the FOCUS Carrier-Focused Telecom Technology Quarterly: Spring 2019 Report

March 27, 2019|Downloads, Industry Reports, Telecom Technologies & Services|

In Public Markets, the FOCUS Carrier-Focused Telecom Technology Index (CFTTI) once again delivered both a positive return and handily outperformed the broader indices. For our spring reporting period, the CFTTI jumped an impressive 9.9%, while the S&P 500 gained only 0.9% and the NASDAQ gained only 2.8%. The CFTTI is also well ahead of the S&P 500 and NASDAQ over the last 12 months. The CFTTI is up 14.6% over the past year, while the S&P 500 and NASDAQ are up only 2.6% and 3.6%, respectively…

Download the FOCUS Enterprise-Focused Telecom Technology Quarterly: Winter 2019 Report

February 26, 2019|Downloads, Industry Reports, Telecom Technologies & Services|

In Public Markets, for the second straight reporting period the Focus Enterprise-Focused Telecom Technology Index (EFTTI) delivered a positive return despite losses in the broader markets. The 3.4% return for the EFTTI over the past three months compares favorably to the 0.3% decline in both the S&P 500 and NASDAQ over the same time period.

Download the FOCUS U.S. Communications Service Provider Quarterly: Winter 2019 Report

January 22, 2019|Downloads, Industry Reports, Telecom Technologies & Services|

In public markets, the past three months was tough on the public markets generally, and the FOCUS Communications Service Provider Index (CSPI) was unfortunately not able to buck the overall negative trend. The only silver lining was that the 7.5% drop in the CSPI for our winter reporting period compared favorably to both the 14.0% drop in the S&P 500 and the 17.5% drop in the NASDAQ. The CSPI remains down for the full year period with a year-over-year loss of 12.1%. After this period’s reverses, the broader indices joined the CSPI in negative territory for the year. The S&P 500 was down 6.2% over the past 12 months, while the NASDAQ was down 3.9%. Sector multiples are down compared to this time a year ago, although the declines were relatively modest. The sector revenue multiple dipped from 2.5x to 2.4x, while the sector EBITDA multiple dropped from 7.7x to 7.3x.

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