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FOCUS Industrials and Energy

2024-01-22T11:01:15+00:00September 2, 2021|Brochures, Downloads|

Welcome to the FOCUS Industrials and Energy Group. Leveraging years of industry specific transaction experience, our bankers can confidently advise on mergers, acquisitions and raising capital for growing businesses across the industrial and energy Industry.FOCUS clients benefit from our extensive industry relationships and inside knowledge of current valuations and deal structures.

FOCUS Telecom

2024-01-22T11:01:13+00:00September 2, 2021|Brochures, Downloads, Telecom Technologies & Services|

The FOCUS Telecommunications Technology and Services Group has a 10+ year track record of guiding our clients through successful transaction processes. Our team has a combined 30+ years of industry experience and a deep network of relationships with acquirers and investors in the space. We come from senior positions at leading middle market and boutique investment banks and can help owners make complex decisions and find the right partner at the right time.

Download the FOCUS Automotive Group Brochure

2024-01-22T10:57:03+00:00May 6, 2014|Automotive Aftermarket, Brochures, Strategic Partnerships|

The FOCUS Automotive Group provides M&A advisory, debt and equity financing, strategic advice and independent research to entrepreneurs, investors and lenders in key segments of the automotive services industry, including:

  • Collision repairers
  • Mechanical and lubrication services
  • Retailers
  • Product manufacturers
  • Equipment suppliers
  • Specialized service providers
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