Interview with Axial CEO Peter Lehrman

2024-02-12T20:17:31+00:00Advanced Manufacturing, Articles, Blogs, Videos|

We recently interviewed Peter Lehrman, CEO of Axial, one of the most energetic and innovative companies providing advanced technology solutions to M&A and corporate finance professionals operating in the middle market. Speaking from the “Roosevelt Room” in Axial’s headquarters in the Flatiron District, Peter covers a good deal of ground and I highly recommend you listen.

Use Data Masking as a GRC Solution

2024-01-22T10:57:03+00:00Articles, Blogs, Government and Defense, Newsletter, Technology Services|

Data masking, sometimes called de-identification, obfuscation, or redaction, is data security technology that is an ideal fit into an overall Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) strategy. It’s an economical method for creating an inauthentic but structurally similar version of business data for use in user training or software testing, thus reducing risk. The data masked version of the data is a completely functional substitute for corporate data and protects live production data.

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