Made in America: The 33 Cent Chinese Arkansas T-Shirt

October 3, 2017|Advanced Manufacturing, Articles, Blogs|

Recently my colleague Marco Chan shared an extraordinary story that puts a new slant on the public discussion about robotics, China, outsourcing and the future of jobs.  According to this Bloomberg Business Week story,  a Chinese manufacturer, Tianyuan Garments Co., is investing $20 million to open a plant in Little Rock that will utilize robots developed by a Georgia company, Software Automation, to manufacture T-Shirts at a cost of 33 cents per shirt.  Each SEWBOT™ workline is capable of spitting out a T-Shirt every 26 seconds.  Human workers don’t stand a chance against such competition, no matter how low a wage rate they are willing to accept.

Best First Half M&A in 10 Years!

October 2, 2017|Articles, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures|

Middle market momentum continues! Thomson Reuters reports 5,260 middle-market deals were completed during the period, representing a 12 percent increase over the first six months of 2016. Plus, it marks the strongest first six months of the year since pre-recession 2007.

“Activity was fueled by: confidence in the overall economy, including a widely-held expectation of lower taxes and fewer regulations in the future; underlying conditions favorable to M&A…

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