White Paper: M&A Trends in the Booming Pet Industry

2024-03-14T22:27:16+00:00Consumer, Downloads, White Papers|

The global pet industry has grown dramatically in recent years, despite the downturn in the world economy, driven by increased adoption rates, humanization trends among owners, and e-commerce penetration. The industry has proven to be largely recession-resistant while underlying trends support continued growth in the future, regardless of overall economic conditions.

Baby Products 2022 Trends

2024-01-22T11:03:40+00:00Consumer, E-commerce, Industry Reports|

Middle market business fundamentals remain strong, although some companies are starting to show caution. Revenue growth and hiring have been robust, although companies continue to face challenges in finding skilled workers. There remains a strong appetite for quality deals as valuations have declined slightly. Private equity firms still have about $1 trillion of “dry powder” and appear impatient to put some of that to work. M&A volume moderated slightly in the second half of 2022 and appears unlikely to duplicate 2021’s record pace, but is on track for another strong year.

In the automotive aftermarket, it’s e-commerce—or else

2024-01-22T11:03:00+00:00Auto parts and accessories, Automotive Aftermarket, Blogs, E-commerce|

If you’re an automotive aftermarket retailer and you’re not selling online, you run the risk of being left behind. If you are already selling online, great—but you may need to up your game if you hope to stay competitive going forward. Indeed, having a holistic sales approach—physical stores and e-commerce—may be the best way to compete in this rapidly changing and growing business. M&A may be the quickest way to get there.

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