Selling Your Collision Repair Business? Calm the Fears of Employees Worried About Their Future.

May 2, 2022|Automotive Aftermarket, Blogs, Collision|

When the owner of a collision repair business is interested in selling their company, questions related to employees often come up. When do I tell my employees about the sale? How do I deal with rumors? How do I alleviate their fears about what the sale means regarding their job security, seniority or other changes?

Is your precision metalworking company looking for machinists?

March 10, 2022|Advanced Manufacturing, Blogs|

If your precision metalworking shop is looking to hire your next machinist—and we know what short supply these technicians are in— your local middle school or high school might be an appropriate place to look. That is if they have their own student-run machine shop business in place. And if they don't, maybe your company can help them get one started.

Returning to Full Throttle or Exiting the Race?

March 7, 2022|Automotive Aftermarket, Blogs, Collision|

The pandemic has caused many business owners to reconsider their long-term goals of owning and operating their businesses. Shutdowns and personnel shortages have clearly been a drain on many, while severely impacting financial performance and their ability to effectively service customers. If you are considering selling your business, there are items you must consider.

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