Download the FOCUS Enterprise-Focused Telecom Technology Quarterly: Spring 2017 Report

2024-01-22T10:58:16+00:00Downloads, Industry Reports, Newsletter, Telecom Technologies & Services|

In public markets, the FOCUS Enterprise-Focused Telecom Technology Index (EFTTI) jumped 7.2% in our spring reporting period. This handily outperformed the S&P 500, which gained only 4.6% over the corresponding time frame. However, it slightly trailed the 7.7% gain in the NASDAQ. The picture for the full year looks very similar. The EFTTI delivered a strong year-over-year gain of 22.6%, which outperformed the S&P 500 but lagged the NASDAQ. Gains for the sector have been broad-based, with every single sub sector in the black for both the three- and 12-month periods. Sub sector multiples also are up significantly compared to last year.

FOCUS Investment Banking Represents ADDvantage in Acquisition

2024-02-12T23:33:41+00:00Deals, Mergers & Acquisitions News, Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures, Newsletter, Telecom Technologies & Services|

Washington, DC (October 20, 2016) – FOCUS Investment Banking, a national middle market investment banking firm providing merger, acquisition, divestiture and corporate finance services announced today that ADDvantage Technologies Group, Inc. has acquired the assets of Triton Miami, Inc. (D/B/A “Triton Datacom”).  FOCUS represented ADDvantage Technologies in the transaction.

Playing the Trends in Middle Market Telecom

2024-01-22T10:57:22+00:00Articles, Newsletter, Telecom Technologies & Services|

More than 20 years after the rise of the Internet and the advent of the modern telecommunications industry, telecommunications continues to be an extremely dynamic industry. With so many of the industry headlines centering around behemoth service providers such as AT&T and Verizon or tech giants like Ericsson or Google, it might appear the massive amount of industry consolidation has left little room for middle market telecommunication companies or their investors.

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