REPORT: Insight and Perspective: Middle Market M&A Activity in the Current EnvironmentIt is no surprise that middle market M&A has not escaped the current economic crisis—as it is filled with companies across a wide array of industries that have been seriously impacted by the country’s abrupt slowdown. However, the effect has not been uniform across industry sectors and the stage in the process. Some sectors continue to press ahead while others have halted altogether.

FOCUS Investment Banking has been asked by several partners to provide insight and perspective on the current state and future outlook for middle market M&A given the current market environment. FOCUS gathered the questions and then engaged with its team of over 40 bankers and senior advisors, across its ten industry practices, gathering responses to the questions posed.


Douglas E. Rodgers, FOCUS Chairman Emeritus, served as CEO and Managing Partner from 2001 until late 2018. During his time as CEO, he led the firm’s growth from one office in Washington, DC, to three offices across the US. He has C-level management experience in software, aerospace, e-commerce,