The FOCUS Telecom Technology Index (TTI) jumped up 9.7% in the most recent three months. This outperformed both the 7.8% gain in the S&P 500 and the 8.5% gain in the NASDAQ. However, the situation is reversed for the 12-month period as the 11.9% gain in the TTI lagged the 14.0% gain in the S&P 500 and the 18.8% gain in the NASDAQ. Sector multiples trended higher compared to this time last year, but only by a relatively small margin. The TTI’s revenue multiple increased from 2.4x a year ago to 2.5x currently, while the EBITDA multiple went from 13.1x to 13.7x over the same time period.


Richard Pierce has more than 10 years of investment banking experience advising middle market clients on a variety of mergers and acquisitions and capital raising transactions. Mr. Pierce’s primary emphasis has been on serving clients in the telecommunications industry.