By Published On: April 30, 2003

Strategic partnering services assist Focus clients in finding and developing relationships with other companies that have products and/or technologies that can benefit from additional sales channels, marketing skills, engineering expertise, manufacturing capacity or investment.

Strategic partnering arrangements can take the form of a license agreement, a joint venture, a sale and service agreement, a contract manufacturing agreement or an equity/debt investment.

Focus Partners are action-oriented in their assignments as quite often these partnership arrangements require a lot of time and effort to complete. A typical scenario usually involves an emerging growth company that has a technology or product line which is under-leveraged and can benefit from a relationship with a larger organization. The larger company can provide a distribution channel, manufacturing capacity, development funding to customize the technology or product to its market segment, and investment capital. The smaller company offers the larger company a focused “quick time-to-market” and customizing capability that often does not exist in a larger company.

While the above scenario makes clear sense, which may be apparent to both organizations, often each organization lacks the available staff to concentrate on the potential of such a partnering arrangement. Focus principals are, therefore, ideally suited to facilitate the transaction to the benefit of both organizations.

Kahla Cooper is the Director of Marketing at FOCUS. In this role, Ms. Cooper designs and implements the overall marketing strategy. Ms. Cooper works with each industry team leader to define programs in order to promote and brand FOCUS’ suite of capabilities.