By Published On: May 28, 2016

“Mergers and acquisitions are enticing, especially to organizations looking to expand during uncertain economic times. They hold the promise of an expanded customer base, a larger global footprint, instant product diversification and an easy route into new markets. However, M&A is usually anything but smooth for the employees on the ground floor, and can wreak havoc on engagement by besetting them with worries about job security, relocation, retraining, and sweeping policy changes,” according to the May 20, 2016 SmartBlog on Leadership.

The article continues: “It’s easy to get excited about closing a major deal, but we can’t let that distract us from the fact that with major deals come major headaches. When a merger or acquisition threatens to cause upheaval, the priority should be the very boring task of getting everyone from the ground floor to the top floor on the same page.”

Read the full article at:
Kahla Cooper is the Director of Marketing at FOCUS. In this role, Ms. Cooper designs and implements the overall marketing strategy. Ms. Cooper works with each industry team leader to define programs in order to promote and brand FOCUS’ suite of capabilities.