man looking over horizon body of water

For more than 40 years, John Bradshaw has helped lead the development of technology-driven organizations or been at the heart of M&A transactions across the technology sector. He has run and successfully sold several of his own startup companies and served in leadership roles at companies ranging from Xerox to Reed Elsevier. And when he joined FOCUS in 2004 as an Investment Banker, he brought with him 2 decades of invaluable experience in the CRM, telecommunications, and software markets. 

John played key roles at Xerox and Filenet (now part of IBM) over a 13-year career, leading teams in Materials Management and Operations in the production of Electronics, Disk Drives, Printing Systems, and Image Processing systems. He then became Vice President of Marketing and Sales and Managing Director of International Operations for Online Computer Systems, a division of Reed Elsevier. In a subsequent position as President and COO of International Telesystems Corp., a telecommunications equipment manufacturer, he grew the company 700 percent in just three years. 

John went on to launch CareCall Inc., a customer service outsourcing company that leaned heavily on new predictive dialing technologies – which he had helped perfect. From the time CareCall was launched in 1993 to its sale to Array Services 10 years later, John grew the organization to 500 employees and over $17 million in sales. 

“I’m a huge believer in entrepreneurship,” says John, who’s now based in Bend, OR. “Even from the time I was at Xerox, I was building experience that would aid me in learning how to build and run a business. Now I can help mentor startup companies as part of the Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) network. I’m able to give back and share what I’ve learned with up-and-coming entrepreneurs.” 

John graduated from the University of Texas with honors and a B.B.A., specializing in Computer Science, Math, and Statistics. He went on to earn his M.B.A. in Finance from Harvard. He can be reached at [email protected]. 

 What is your approach to advising in this sector? Why do you feel this approach resonates with your clients? 

I ask a lot of questions. Knowing the right questions to ask helps me understand the client and what they’re looking to accomplish. It’s a good way to guide them through the cycle of an M&A process. And it lays the groundwork for the reality that selling a company is a sales process, not a singular event. I think clients can also appreciate the fact that I bring a lot of experience that they, as sellers, can relate to. When I sold my own companies, I often say that I got more than I should have on a sale, but maybe not as much as I wanted – and that’s a typical feeling for a lot of first-time sellers to have. I let them know it’s normal and not to get discouraged if the process takes longer than wanted.   

Can you tell us about your tenure at FOCUS, and about how you’ve shaped your role as Senior Advisor over the years? 

In the early days at FOCUS, there was a need for someone with Telecomm experience. I was connected with [former FOCUS CMO] Mark Capaldini, and he brought me on board. Gradually I expanded my role with FOCUS and focused my early deals on industries I knew well. My first twenty years at Focus were as an Owner and Partner of the firm when we relied on Senior Advisors for deal flow and technical support on projects. I transitioned to the role of Senior Advisor in the last year which allows me to support the younger Bankers and reduce the number of dedicated hours required to support numerous clients. Being a Senior Advisor is a chance to still be involved with a great group of people, work on fun projects, and yet not be tied down to an 8 to 5 job. 

But the value FOCUS places on service have never changed, and that’s been a major driver of my tenure here. I can relate to the small and mid-market companies and entrepreneurs, and I understand what they’re going through. A lot of other firms look primarily at the financial pieces of a transaction, but FOCUS takes a much more personal approach to advising. 

Deal Experience and Success Stories: Could you highlight an achievement you’re especially proud to have been involved in?  

My most memorable achievements are all based on seeing the joy and relief of my clients when a deal finally closes, and their check is in the bank. After one assignment closed, the wife and family reached out to me to thank me on getting their husband/father through the process. 

How do you stay current regarding industry developments? 

I learn something from my clients, potential buyers, and my teammates on every deal we do. Since the technology arena expands every day, it is mandatory to read as much as possible on new technological events to make sure I can keep up with my clients. 

What advice would you have for someone interested in joining the M&A field? 

Many of FOCUS’ clients are family run or moderate sized companies where the owners are usually the founder, CEO, and fully invested on a day-to-day basis. This is a person-to-person business at its heart, and clients will appreciate the education and counseling a banker can provide in “getting them emotionally though the process”. And no two deals are ever quite alike – each one is a new experience with its own set of complexities. 

 If you are interested in learning more about the Senior Advisor role at FOCUS, please contact Kahla Cooper at [email protected]. 

Kahla Cooper is the Director of Marketing at FOCUS. In this role, Ms. Cooper designs and implements the overall marketing strategy. Ms. Cooper works with each industry team leader to define programs in order to promote and brand FOCUS’ suite of capabilities.