By Published On: March 18, 2024

Earnouts in M&A deal negotiations are a vital tool, offering sellers of fast-growing companies potential extra compensation and providing buyers with a risk-reduction method. But do earnouts consistently bridge the gap between buyers and sellers in Consulting and Professional Services deals?

In the realm of Consulting businesses, where the primary assets are often intangible—knowledge, relationships, and expertise—maintaining these assets post-acquisition is paramount for buyers. Earnouts serve as a mechanism to ensure key personnel, particularly revenue-generating owners or leaders, remain with the company.

Consider a scenario I encountered involving a fast-growing consulting firm. The buyer, eager to meet the seller’s value expectations, structured 40% of the total price as an earnout spread over four years. However, negotiations hit a snag when the seller proposed retaining total operational control during the earnout period.

Despite the potential value at stake, the buyer balked at the idea of relinquishing control, envisioning strategic integration and synergy across their portfolio of Professional Services businesses. Ultimately, the deal collapsed due to irreconcilable differences.

What could have salvaged this deal? Three key considerations emerge:

  1.  Optimized Earnout Structure: A smaller total potential value from the earnout could align buyer and seller perspectives on current value and future growth, fostering agreement.
  2.  Shortened Earnout Period: A shorter earnout timeframe would expedite integration efforts, facilitating smoother collaboration between the acquired firm and the buyer.
  3.  Establish Trust: Past dealings or interactions between buyer and seller could build trust, minimizing conflict and enhancing negotiation outcomes.

By incorporating these factors, future earnout agreements can effectively bridge the value gap between buyers and sellers, ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes.

Kelly L. Kittrell has more than 30 years of merger & acquisition and corporate finance experience. He advises business owners on sell-side and buy-side transactions, valuation analysis, corporate finance and equity and debt financings. He is based in Dallas. Prior to joining FOCUS, Mr. Kittrell served as Ankura Consulting’s Head of Development and Acquisitions. His main responsibility at Ankura was completing acquisitions of companies in the professional services and consulting industry. He reviewed dozens of acquisition targets while at Ankura, preparing valuation analyses, negotiating financial and legal terms in letters of intent and closing documents, and performing due diligence. Ankura grew by acquiring six professional services firms during his tenure. Mr. Kittrell also served as Ankura’s CFO from inception through 2016. Before his work at Ankura, he held the following high-profile M&A positions: As Managing Director at Bank of America’s private company advisory services, he was a mergers and acquisitions advisor for clients in the strategy, analysis, and sale of client businesses. Mr. Kittrell developed and made presentations to clients and bank associates and generated sell-side mandates and valuation assignments, as well as led execution teams. As a Director in Ernst & Young’s Corporate Finance practice, he provided strategic advice for clients in all aspects of M&A transactions, advising sellers in diverse industries including the sale of a large automobile retail chain and a newspaper publisher. He performed valuations on more than 50 going-concern companies, including a major commercial airline. In addition to his M&A experience, Mr. Kittrell served as a Senior Litigation Consultant at Dallas law firm Bickel & Brewer, where he analyzed companies in litigation to determine valuations and damages, identified and worked with expert witnesses regarding financial testimony, and determined fallacies in opposing expert valuations, financial reports and damage claims. He also served as the Chief Investment Officer for a private investment family office and as the Chief Financial Officer for one of its portfolio companies, a publicly-traded acquirer of direct selling businesses.