E-commerce: It’s time to focus on your bottom line, not the top line

July 11, 2022|Blogs, E-commerce, Technology Services|

The e-commerce business is a very different place than it was just six months ago. There’s no question that the e-commerce world is a lot tougher than it was just a short time ago. This article, written by Senior Advisor Galen Pyle, talks about why now is a good time to sell your company if you have a profit because macroeconomics may get worse.

It’s not all about Amazon anymore

March 21, 2022|Blogs, E-commerce|

Amazon may no longer be the only game in town when it comes to aggregators and the online retailers they acquire. Several recent deals by startup aggregators indicate that Shopify is the up-and-coming M&A e-commerce platform. This trend may suggest that demand for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) businesses has reached a saturation point and that competing platforms offer more opportunity.

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